Chocolate and avocado smoothie, a healthy recipe

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ProFoody Staff
ProFoody is a Blog where you can find all kinds of nutritional articles, recipes, desserts, tips, tricks, weekly menus, diets and nutrition.

Delicious recipe for a chocolate and avocado smoothie (avocado also in other countries). You can prepare this recipe to obtain a healthy dessert or breakfast that you can make in a few minutes, and delight your palate.

This smoothie is one step away from being a pudding. Actually, if you want to avoid milk you can. And if you want it more liquid like a normal shake, you just have to add more milk that can be vegetable, such as coconut milk.

In this case, the use of ice is avoided so as not to generate an icy flavor, but rather to make something creamier. This smoothie is creamy with a banana and half an avocado. You can also leave out the banana and just use chocolate and avocado, but the problem with this is that much more sugar needs to be added to make up for the banana. This smoothie is full of natural sweetness.

For those who fear the taste of this combination, from now on they can rest assured that the avocado flavor is imperceptible. Everything is chocolate and banana. This is sweet enough, with no added sweetener, but you can add honey or a sweetener like stevia if you like.

Chocolate shake recipe

This is like eating dessert but in a healthy and guilt-free way.

Yield: 1 large serving.



  • 85 grams of cold avocado (1/2 avocado).
  • 2 tablespoons dark cocoa powder.
  • 1 medium cold banana (mine was 120 grams without the peel).
  • 1/4 cup yogurt.
  • 2 tablespoons of non-dairy milk (rice, almond, coconut, etc.).


  1. Mix everything together in a food processor (or a blender if you have a very good one). Add more milk until you achieve the desired creaminess.
  2. Serve immediately or keep covered in the refrigerator for up to a day.

Healthy Chocolate Shake

Another healthy option: Learn how to prepare a healthy chocolate shake with ingredients such as Cacao and Banana, for a day full of energy, an easy recipe that you can make at home and enjoy a healthy dessert.


  • 1 cup coconut or almond.
  • 1 ripe banana.
  • 1 tbsp. cocoa powder (organic if possible).
  • 1 tbsp. nut butter (almond or peanut).
  • 1 tsp. honey or other natural sweetener (optional – if the banana is not very ripe).
  • 5 cups ice (add less ice to make the shake smoother).


Put all the ingredients in the manual or normal blender in the order indicated. Blend until smooth, it is the fastest preparation you can make and still be able to enjoy a very healthy chocolate shake.


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