3 healthy breakfast recipes for diabetics

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Try these healthy breakfasts that will help you maintain stable blood sugar levels and at the same time they are a necessary source of protein for the body.

Diabetes is a disease characterized by the abnormal functioning of the pancreas, by not synthesizing the correct amount of insulin that the body needs to maintain balanced glucose levels. Insulin is the hormone in charge of maintaining stable glucose indicators in the blood, allowing it to be transported correctly by the body to the cells.

Diabetic people suffer from excess glucose in the blood, which in medical terms is defined as hyperglycemia, since insulin is not distributed evenly in the body.

People with this disease can lead a normal life like any other. However, they must be kept, depending on the type of diabetes, under medical controls, insulin injections and a strict diet; life becomes more bearable and long despite this anomaly suffered by the pancreas.

Food represents one of the fundamental pillars of people that can, depending on the severity of the disease, lead the patient to an almost null state of the disease even if it remains latent. To do this, the correct combination of foods must be taken into account in the main meals, in the breaks and excluded from foods with sugar.

Diabetic breakfasts

The breakfast should be rich in protein compounds beneficial for those suffering from diabetes. By maintaining a good balance in your breakfast foods, your chances of keeping your blood glucose stable will be the best

Here are three breakfast recipes for diabetics:

Lettuce-based tacos with vegetables and egg

This is a recipe rich in vitamins, healthy, delicious, most importantly, carbohydrate-free. It will benefit diabetics by keeping them at an ideal weight and light.

The preparation is extremely simple, you must separate the whites from the yolks, season the whites and cook them in a pan with olive oil, then chop them into pieces and reserve them in a covered bowl.

To avoid any stomach infection, lettuce leaves should be cleaned very well in water and vinegar, then set aside in a place free from heat.

Use fresh tomatoes, wheat germ, corn and carrots, fry them briefly in a pan with olive oil for a few minutes, then before finishing adding basil. It is withdrawn and reserved.

To finish, fold the lettuce leaves like a taco tortilla, arrange the vegetables evenly and place the egg white pieces on them. If you wish, you can add a piece of avocado as a side.

Sandwich with goat cheese, spinach and avocado

It is perfect for those who enjoy going out very early to exercise as it is a quick and delicious option. A breakfast that will fill you with energy.

The first thing to do is preheat the oven to a temperature of 180 °, then put the bread on a tray and toast it in the oven. After making sure that it is crispy, place a spinach leaf and spread the goat cheese next to the avocado.

Finally serve with a sugar-free drink, preferably a natural juice.

Pumpkin tortillas with egg whites and vegetables

These succulent pumpkin omelets accompanied with egg whites and vegetables. Perfect to avoid carbohydrates complementing with a little natural yogurt to give it a touch of freshness.

The first thing to do is grate the pumpkin and reserve it in a bowl with a little olive oil and a part of the egg whites, cook them until they have a good consistency. In the same pan in which you cooked the tortillas add the rest of the egg whites with some chopped onions. Stir while cooking.

Finally serve the omelet on a plate, place the cooked egg whites, and finally place some vegetables such as carrot and cauliflower with salt and pepper, serve and taste.

Those who have diabetes can cook that simple and delicious, although these recipes do not belong to the common denominator of the most delicious foods for breakfast, they can help add many more years of life, good health, optimal weight and 100% energy not only people with diabetes, but anyone who wants to lead a better lifestyle.


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