4 shakes that help increase muscle mass

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Muscle tissue is one of the most used by our body. This is responsible for shaping our body, as well as allowing us to move from one place to another, with the help of the bone system. Likewise, your appearance is very important for people who train daily or lead a fitness lifestyle.

Well-developed muscles show the fruits of daily work. However, some diseases or body disorders could cause a decrease in muscle mass, among them we can mention:

  • Metabolic diseases.
  • Low protein diet.
  • Trauma.
  • Hormonal imbalance.
  • Sedentary lifestyle.
  • Accelerated metabolism.
  • Hyperthyroidism.

When people suffer from any of these conditions, their muscles feel thin, without strength, they could feel general weakness, fatigue, tiredness, dizziness, among others. If your desire is to combat muscle atrophy, we recommend that you attend a nutritionist who will guide you through this entire process. What is usually administered are supplements based on animal protein, they will quickly increase muscle mass making you look more defined and weighty.

Smoothies to increase muscle mass

In this article we will give you 4 natural shakes to improve muscle mass. In addition, we will give you several tips to avoid the future appearance of this condition.

1- Milk shake with walnuts and almonds

Milk is a source of vitamins and minerals that are very necessary to nourish muscles. For its part, nuts will provide you with antioxidants, unsaturated fats, vitamins, and minerals that will generate radical changes in your muscles. Prepare this delicious recipe by whisking a glass of milk, a handful of walnuts and almonds, and a tablespoon of honey. Mix for 10 minutes and if you wish, you can add a tablespoon of cinnamon to improve the flavor. Drink 3 glasses of this healing liquid daily for 3 months. You will feel full of energy and much empowered.

2- Banana and oatmeal smoothie

Both ingredients are complex carbohydrates, these carbohydrates will deeply feed your muscles. Oatmeal is a decongestant cereal with cleansing properties. She will control blood cholesterol levels, reducing the possibility of heart disease. In turn, the banana or banana has a large amount of vitamin B and potassium. Essential element for muscle health.

Prepare 3 glasses of this smoothie a day and the difference in your body will be monumental. Simply mix a glass of almond milk, 2 ripe bananas, and 5 tablespoons of oatmeal. You can sweeten with cinnamon and vanilla.

3- Apple, yogurt and egg smoothie

Apples are fruits with a good percentage of vitamins and fibers. These components are vital for the proper functioning of the muscular system. Natural yogurt has many probiotics (good bacteria) to keep the intestinal flora in harmony, in turn, Greek yogurt specifically has almost 15% protein inside. Finally, the egg is essential in weight gain diets due to its high level of animal protein.

Prepare this smoothie by adding 2 cups of Greek yogurt, 1 green apple and 2 boiled eggs to your blender. Beat for 5 minutes and sweeten with honey and lemon. Consume 3 glasses a day for a month.

4- Soy milk, spinach and grapes smoothie

The milk of this cereal is highly recommended to increase muscle. Due to its vegetable protein. We will add spinach to this recipe for its high content of iron and vitamin B 12.

Finally the grapes will give you the touch of antioxidants that your muscles need in general. You should beat 2 glasses of soy milk, 3 fresh spinach leaves, and 10 seedless grapes. You can sweeten it with stevia or honey. Serve a glass daily on an empty stomach for 3 consecutive months.


  • Train your body by lifting enough weight. This will cause muscle hypertrophy.
  • Consume a portion of animal protein in all your meals, it can be chicken, beef, pork, eggs, among others.
  • You can take nutritional supplements based on vitamin B12 and iron.
  • You must give your body the necessary rest. Sleep 8 hours a day without interruptions.
  • Drink plenty of water throughout the day.
  • Lead a relaxed lifestyle without any stress or anxiety, since cortisol is the hormone generated in stages of stress, and it inhibits muscle growth.
  • You can take commercial whey-based proteins to improve your muscular system.


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