The importance of breakfast to improve health

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ProFoody Staff
ProFoody is a Blog where you can find all kinds of nutritional articles, recipes, desserts, tips, tricks, weekly menus, diets and nutrition.

There is a phrase that says “breakfast is the most important meal of the day “, and this is true, but do you really know why? Discover below what are the needs to incorporate an energetic meal at this time of day.

Why is breakfast important?

Breakfast is the first meal we eat after having been at rest for 6 or 8 hours, depending on how long the sleep has lasted. Until then you have only eaten dinner (which should be light) and the body has used its energy to maintain its basic functions during the night.

Breakfast is an energy supply that activates your body, tells it that it already has “gasoline” to function and if we do it correctly we can perform better in our activities. A good breakfast gives us the necessary nutrients to start our body, it is the first energy contribution of the day for our brain, so for a correct functioning of cognitive functions, perform in the study, be concentrated at work, or perform physical activities, and we need to eat breakfast.

How is breakfast correct?

There are many people who think that having breakfast is “having something”, a coffee, something to drink and that is enough, but it is not that simple. Going to work or with the children in a hurry makes we forget the importance of breakfast, which is going to take its toll throughout the day.

Think that breakfast should be a source of energy that will create a reserve to spend throughout the day.

The ideal and complete breakfast should have: fiber, vitamins and minerals. You may think that all this is too much for the morning, but well-structured you will see how it is a light and balanced breakfast as well as delicious. You can consult this section where we show you more than 10 ideas to create, easy, healthy and light

Recommended components in breakfast

Fiber: Helps to improve intestinal transit, it is an “alarm clock” for your intestines, which will receive the signal that it is time to work. It will improve your transit throughout the day, in addition to helping you eliminate fat. The fibers adhere to the fats, helping their elimination by evacuating them. Fiber is present in fruits, cereals, and vegetables. Some of the main sources are beans, oatmeal, broccoli, brown rice, and lentils.

Vitamins: vitamins are essential for the proper functioning of the body and the body cannot produce them, so they must be provided, what better than at breakfast? A piece of fruit, a juice gives you a supply of vitamins phenomenal.

Minerals: also essential such as phosphorus, iron or calcium. You can find them in milk.


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