The 5 best breakfasts for students

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You should never skip breakfast, as it determines the type of day we will have. However, saying that to a student with a busy morning schedule and a budget to stick to can be tricky to understand.

Did you know that among students, breakfast is the most skipped meal of the day? In fact, it is a sad reality, so enjoying a healthy breakfast should be a habit that we must acquire, especially since we need to have the brain ready to acquire knowledge, and the correct breakfast is good for brain function.

The best breakfasts for students

Eating healthy has immense benefits for the body and brain. If you are looking to improve your concentration in class and problem solving skills, start the day with a healthy breakfast.

Here are 7 affordable and healthy breakfast options so you can enjoy a productive day in class.


Many students tend to believe that healthy food equates to an unpleasant taste. That is not the case. Eggs are not only affordable, but they are delicious too. Eating eggs for breakfast goes a long way to keeping your blood sugar stable, feeling full for most of the day, and reducing calorie intake at your next meal.

Did you know that eggs are one of the best sources of choline? Choline is an essential nutrient for brain health. It helps the brain preserve memory, thus keeping you alert as a student.

Eating eggs also reduces your risk of heart disease; they contain antioxidants to prevent vision problems and are a high-quality protein source.


For all cereal lovers, oatmeal is the way to go. Like eggs, oatmeal has the effect of fullness. When you feel full, your ability to focus on your studies comes naturally. Not only are they affordable and delicious, but they are also high in nutritional value.

Oatmeal also contains choline which helps the body make acetylcholine, which will help you pay attention and have a good memory.

For a healthy breakfast, make oatmeal with milk instead of water to increase protein content. On one side, you can have a piece of cheese or eggs.

Greek yogurt

Another nutritious and delicious breakfast option is Greek yogurt. It is creamier and contains higher levels of protein. It has numerous health benefits, as it is rich in potassium, calcium, and magnesium.

The probiotics found in yogurt have recently been found to be good for the brain. A study concluded that those who eat Greek yogurt show a higher degree of cognitive responsiveness.

For breakfast, top the Greek yogurt with chopped fruit or berries. It will increase the fiber, vitamin and mineral content of the food.

Suitable fruits

Fruits are not only healthy, but they are also affordable. Eating fruit for breakfast every day is one of the best ways to stay healthy in college.

They produce the best balance of nutrients, such as vitamins and potassium. For the perfect combination of nutrients, mix and match your fruit options. Among the best fruits for brain function are:


Being the most nutritious type of fruit we have, blueberries were called “superfoods.” They help stimulate blood flow and maintain brain function when a student is learning.


These are other healthy fruits that you can eat and they are almost as good as blueberries. They contain folic acid and vitamin K that help improve cognitive functions, especially concentration, memory and prevent blood clots in the brain.

For a healthy breakfast, you can turn an avocado into a fruit smoothie; it is delicious and easy to prepare. A banana berry smoothie with a hint of protein powder and silky tofu will go a long way to energize you for the day and keep your mind sharp.


If you have a busy day and are in a rush, you can always add a handful of walnuts. They are tasty, satisfying and nutritious. Nuts contain a large amount of protein and healthy fats that will give you a full effect.

Not only do they help improve memory, but they also have other benefits for inflammation and heart function. Walnuts, in particular, are beneficial for the brain as they contain a high content of proteins and fats, they are rich in vitamin E that prevents brain damage and rich in vitamin B6 that helps control serotonin levels in the brain.

As hectic as a student’s life is, you should slow down and start paying attention to what you eat. Eat the right foods to regenerate brain cells.

You should not forget to include two or more glasses of purified water in the morning.


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