Natural juices to reduce inflammation of the belly

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There are many natural juices to reduce inflammation of the belly since this ailment is not a serious disease but a consequence of a poor diet or the intake of foods that are difficult to digest.

We get up, and as we go through our daily meals, the belly swells. A good recommendation is to eat as calmly and slowly as possible, chewing food well to promote good digestion, without overusing spices and greasy foods or soft drinks.

However, the rush and the little time available to eat at work make this task really impossible. It is a good time to know these four natural juices to reduce inflammation of the belly that will help us to take care of ourselves in a healthy way.

Natural juice to reduce inflammation of the belly with avocado


  • 1 cup diced mango.
  • ¼ of half an avocado.
  • ½ cup of mango juice.
  • ¼ cup of skimmed plain yogurt.
  • 1 spoon of vanilla.
  • 6 ice cubes.

Preparation method:

  • Put all the ingredients in the blender and do not add sugar.

Avocado prevents abdominal inflammation as it acts as an anti-inflammatory, which protects and softens the digestive mucosa.

Natural juice to reduce inflammation of the belly based on oranges


  • 2 fresh oranges.
  • A slice of pineapple or a handful of fresh blueberries.
  • 1 lemon.
  • One tablespoon of flaxseed.
  • Some honey.
  • A glass of freshly brewed green, red or horehound tea, but already cold.

Preparation mode:

  • Put the ingredients in the blender and mix.

Consumption mode:

  • Take it on an empty stomach slowly and in sips, and wait at least an hour before eating breakfast.

Natural juice to reduce inflammation of the belly with apple and carrot


  • 4 carrots.
  • 1 apple.
  • 1 stalk of celery.
  • 1 handful of fresh spinach.
  • 3 tablespoons of freshly squeezed lemon juice.

Preparation mode:

  • We wash the ingredients and put them in the blender. We mix everything.

Consumption mode:

  • We take it on an empty stomach.

Natural juice to reduce inflammation of the belly with citrus fruits


  • 6 fresh oranges.
  • 2 grapefruits.
  • 1 lemon.

Method of elaboration:

• Extract the juice from the citrus fruits.

Way of consumption:

• Drink slowly and slowly, on an empty stomach.
• Wait an hour and a half before eating breakfast.

Choose between one of these natural juices to reduce inflammation of the belly or take a different one every morning and you will get results that will relieve the feeling of bloating. As we mentioned above, inflammation is a result of several factors, being a poor diet one of the main ones, so it is recommended that you modify your diet.

For one that helps you avoid problems with abdominal bloating.


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