How to make Quinoa milk

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The benefits of Quinoa milk were first recognized by ancient Inca tribes thousands of years ago. They attribute their resistance and prowess as warriors to the consumption of this food. In modern times, health conscious men and women have jumped on this bandwagon recognizing the benefits of consuming quinoa in various forms, including quinoa milk.

Quinoa milk is rich in protein

Unlike other types of plant-based milk, quinoa is rich in protein. As a result, vegans looking for a way to add protein to their diet can satisfy this need through this drink. Also, there are other nutrients in quinoa such as iron, manganese and copper that give consumers energy and glowing skin.

Quinoa milk is gluten free

Gluten is a protein found in: wheat, white flour, wheat bran, spelled, triticum, among other foods. Some people are allergic to this substance and after ingesting them they experience bloating and diarrhea. Since quinoa milk is gluten-free, individuals in this category can enjoy this drink without any adverse reactions.

Quinoa milk is better than cow’s milk for diabetics

Nutritionists often warn diabetics against the dangers of carbohydrates and foods high in sugar. Both raise glucose in the body. Since quinoa is rich in protein, which slows down glucose production, it is a drink that diabetics can drink.

Quinoa milk is ideal for lactose intolerant people

Today, 65% of adults cannot digest the lactose (sugar) in cow’s milk. They lack the enzyme that breaks down lactose. As a result, after drinking this substance they experience cramps, bloating, nausea, flatulence and diarrhea. For adults who want to incorporate a form of milk into their diet, lactose-free quinoa milk is an impressive substitute.

Quinoa milk promotes healthy skin

For people suffering from skin problems, quinoa milk is a life saver. Contains lysine, a building block for the synthesis of elastin and collagen. Both factors promote smooth and supple skin.

Quinoa milk can be made at home

The ingredients needed to create the quinoa milk can be purchased at a local health food store. The recipe is simple and affordable. Here’s a recipe:


  • 1 cup of quinoa grains.
  • 2 cups + 5 – 6 cups of water.
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract.
  • 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon.
  • 1 tablespoon agave or bee syrup (optional).


Soak the quinoa overnight in water and drain the water the day you cook it (you can also wash it under running water to remove the bitter saponins). Cook 1 cup of quinoa with 2 cups of water. Once cooked, add only the cooked quinoa to the blender with 2 cups of water. Blend on high until smooth. Add water to desired consistency, mixing the mixture after each addition. Up to 6 cups of water may be needed to achieve proper consistency. Add the vanilla extract and cinnamon. Pour the milk into a non-dairy strainer bag, hold it over a large bowl or pitcher. Massage the contents until all the liquid has passed through the material – leaving only the “pulp” behind. If you wish, it is time to sweeten with the agave, if you want a sweeter milk. You have the quinoa milk ready. Serve hot or cold.


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