Detox salad to cleanse the colon in 3 days

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A healthy digestive system is essential to have a healthy body, when we have ailments in the colon such as inflammation, infections, toxins and other types of ailments, the detox salad plays a fundamental role to achieve a deep cleaning, and it does not take many days.

Why clean the colon?

Our digestive system breaks down the food we eat and sends the nutrients throughout the body. Therefore, if the colon along with all our digestive system is not working in the best way, our health in general suffers and another series of derived ailments can be triggered.

Diseases due to intoxicated colon

  • Obesity or being overweight.
  • Constipation.
  • Fatigue.
  • Premature aging.
  • Headaches.
  • Allergies.
  • Infections.
  • Chronic diseases.

Having a malfunctioning digestive system can lead to all kinds of problems, including constipation, weight gain, and indigestion. And, since approximately 70% of our immune system is located in the digestive tract, a compromised digestive system leads to a compromised immune system.

Weight gain is caused by the inability of the digestive system to break down the food you eat. This can lead to decreased absorption of nutrients, and a reduction in the body’s ability to rid itself of toxins and waste, which can also lead to constipation and

An accumulation of toxins and waste in the colon and a reduction in the absorption of nutrients, vitamins and minerals can slow down our metabolism, leading to excess body fat and fatigue, reducing our mood for sports practices.

One way to start the digestive system is to first change your diet, routine and reduce stress, but to start, you can incorporate this salad for 3 days in a row. This will help balance the pH levels in the body, cleanse the colon, and flush out accumulated toxins. You will be surprised by the results, and how the mood, increased physical performance and a more deflated colon will be favored.

Prepare your detox salad for the colon


  • Olive oil.
  • Beet.
  • Cabbage.
  • Carrot.
  • Lemon juice.
  • Seasonings (optional).

How to prepare it:

The preparation of the salad is very easy. All you have to do is cut each of the ingredients, it is advisable to include more cabbage. Then add some herbs for seasoning, if you wish, try to avoid salt, or opt for sea salt, as it can cause fluid retention or other circulatory problems.

Mix the ingredients well and pour a little lemon juice on top. Finally, drizzle some vegetable oil, it can be olive oil and that’s it, you already have a salad to start detoxifying the colon easily, while also improving other aspects of your life to achieve a healthier body.

This salad offers high amounts of fiber, minerals and vitamins and will make your digestive system work much better.



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