Breakfasts for people with acid reflux problems

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ProFoody Staff
ProFoody is a Blog where you can find all kinds of nutritional articles, recipes, desserts, tips, tricks, weekly menus, diets and nutrition.

It is important to choose the foods that are included in your breakfast very well, especially when you suffer from acid reflux or heartburn problems.

Acid reflux occurs when there is acid reflux from the stomach into the esophagus. This occurs commonly, but can cause complications or bothersome symptoms, such as heartburn.

One reason this happens is that the lower esophageal sphincter (LES) is weakened or damaged. Normally, the LES closes to prevent food from the stomach from going up into the esophagus.

The food we eat affects the amount of acid our stomach produces. Eating the right types of foods for breakfast is key to managing acid reflux, a serious chronic form of acid reflux.

Foods to Include in Breakfast That May Help Reduce Your Symptoms

Reflux symptoms can cause stomach acid to touch the esophagus and cause irritation and pain. If you have too much acid, you can incorporate these specific foods into your diet to control acid reflux symptoms.

Neither of these foods will cure the condition and the decision to use these specific foods to alleviate your symptoms should be based on your own experiences with them.

  1. Vegetables. Vegetables are naturally low in fat and sugar and help reduce stomach acid. Good options include green beans, broccoli, asparagus, cauliflower, green leafy vegetables, potatoes, and cucumbers.
  2. Pumpkin or zucchini. Pumpkin or zucchini creams are rich in mucilage’s that soften and protect the mucosa of the digestive tract. And beta-carotenes help keep it healthy (or regenerate it).
  3. Oatmeal is a favorite breakfast food, a whole grain, and an excellent source of fiber. A diet rich in fiber has been linked to a lower risk of acid reflux. Other fiber options include whole grain breads and brown rice.
  4. Non-citrus fruits. Non-citrus fruits, such as melons, bananas, apples, and pears, are less likely to trigger reflux symptoms than acidic fruits.
  5. Fermented foods. Kefir, sauerkraut (sauerkraut), or kombucha tea provide good bacteria that help the digestive tract.
  6. Egg whites. Egg whites are a good option to include in breakfast. However, it is advisable to stay away from egg yolks, which are high in fat and can trigger reflux symptoms.
  7. Healthy fats. Healthy fat sources include avocados, walnuts, flaxseed, olive oil, sesame oil, and sunflower oil. Reduce your intake of saturated fats and Trans fats and replace them with these healthier unsaturated fats.



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