Natural toner to drink at night and eliminate belly fat

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We are all designed to continuously and naturally remove toxins from the body. There are two types of toxins: water soluble and fat soluble. Water-soluble toxins are easily flushed out of the body through the blood and kidneys, but fat-soluble toxins are challenging for the body to eliminate. If you are looking to eliminate fat or fat in general, this natural toner will help you eliminate toxins from your body that help you retain that fat that is a challenge to eliminate.

Why is belly fat difficult to lose?

This comes from a situation of toxicity in the body due to poor eating habits and lifestyle in general.

The fat-soluble toxins mentioned above, such as heavy metals, pesticides, preservatives, food additives, pollutants, plastics, and other environmental chemicals must become water-soluble for the body to be fully eliminated.

This happens mostly in the liver, but if our digestive and detox tracts aren’t working optimally, these toxins will make their way from the liver into the blood, into fat cells, and into the brain, where they can be stored for years, preparing you. For problems to eliminate fat from the belly or any part of the body where you accumulate it easily, lose weight, and also paving the way for other more serious health problems.

Beware of eating junk food, which is equivalent to fat-soluble toxins and therefore to store fat in the abdomen.

Natural toner to drink at night and eliminate belly fat

Packed with ingredients that are natural anti-inflammatory, diuretic, and easy to digest, this natural toner will not only help you cleanse those fat-soluble toxins so they can be easily washed out with water, it will help increase your metabolism and thereby eliminate body fat, and last but not least, to lower blood pressure, control cholesterol, and promote digestive and heart health, also strengthening your immune system.

Easy to make, with ingredients that are accessible at your local grocery store, this natural toner is a great first step to detoxification and better overall health.

Try combining it with other superfoods or drinking as part of a cleanse, and see firsthand the impact it can have on helping your body recover from limiting it to cleaning and downsizing.

This natural toner combines parsley , cinnamon and cucumber has many diuretic and slimming properties, as well as chia seeds that are loaded with fiber.

Drink it at night, before bed and after a light plant-based dinner or you can also drink it for dinner.

Natural tonic with parsley and ginger


  • 1 cup of purified water.
  • 1 organic cucumber.
  • 1 tablespoon chia seeds.
  • A bunch of parsley.
  • Organic half lemon.
  • 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon.
  • 1 piece of organic ginger root.

It is common knowledge that lemon is a superfood with many properties, among which it stands out being efficient in burning fat.

Cucumber is a vegetable that, in addition to being a digestive, is a diuretic par excellence, helping to eliminate waste in the body; parsley is excellent as a heavy metal cleanser in the body among dozens of other benefits. This will help a lot in the goal of making toxins soluble in water.

Besides ginger, it is also one of the superfoods used in this recipe that will play a key role in your goal of burning fat.


  1. Wash and disinfect the cucumber, parsley and ginger.
  2. Finely chop the parsley until it is at least a teaspoon and preserve for later use.
  3. Cut the cucumber into slices.
  4. Put all the ingredients in the blender and process until all the ingredients are well mixed.
  5. To sweeten, use raw organic honey (optional).


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