How to make your own natural antibiotic

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The juices are known to be powerful tools to improve our immune system of the body. To regenerate our tissues and they are also, due to their high nutrient content, excellent as prevention tools, therefore we can use juices as a natural and homemade antibiotic.

How to prepare a homemade antibiotic?

A fresh juice could save your life and be a natural antibiotic. The juices and vegetables with great properties, have the strength to give recovery and rejuvenation to people with various health problems. Since it is in liquid form, the juices are easy to be digested and absorbed, so it is good for people without appetite, digestion and bowel problems.

Juices are a drink that is easier than vegetables to digest. Juices contain nutrients and increase the strength of the body to prevent disease. There are juices that can be designed for different conditions, to strengthen the liver, to help clear the kidney, for blood circulation, to strengthen the nerves and the immune system.

Homemade Antibiotic Juice

In addition, there are juices that have also been created as natural antibiotic, since the properties of the vegetables that comprise it are beneficial to prevent or correct infections. People suffering from chronic infections usually take antibiotics.

Long-term use of antibiotics could damage the function of the heart and the immune system. Also consuming they continuously are ineffective because they improve the immunology of the microorganism that causes the infection.

How to use juices as a natural antibiotic?

To control our body, we must stimulate the infected network and be in opposition to microorganisms with natural antibiotic juices, especially when the infection is not in an advanced and serious state, for that you would always have to seek professional medical assistance.

If our infections are chronic or not, such as those that come from colds and flu, stomach, skin, or others, they can be treatable in a controlled way by us, we can try antibiotic juices made at home, which are totally natural and also full of nutrients that are reinforcing for other parts of our body.

This antibiotic juice is good for people suffering from the following diseases:

  1. Bronchitis or chronic asthma.
    2. Influenza.
    3. Ear infection and sinusitis.
    4. Bad microorganisms in the intestines.
    5. Tiredness.
    6. Skin infection.
    7. Chronic wound.
    8. Cysts caused by infection.
    9. Dandruff on the scalp.
    10. Pimples.
    11. Hepatitis A / B / C.
    12. Infection and chronic tooth and gum disease.
    13. Herpes.
    14. Tuberculosis.

This juice recipe acts as a natural antibiotic and strong antiseptic, and when drunk regularly it could fight infection directly.
One glass (300 to 400 ml) should be drunk daily by people with chronic disease, preferably on an empty stomach.


  • 1 carrot.
  • 1 beet.
  • 1 apple.
  • ½ cm of ginger.
  • ½ cm radishes.
  • ½ glass of celery juice.
  • 1 slice of pineapple.
  • 1 large clove of garlic.
  • 1 handful of fresh thyme.

Note: The best way to drink the juice is immediately after preparation, at room temperature, since if the freshly squeezed juices remain undrinkable for a while they will come into contact with oxygen and they will lose their healing properties and the natural antibiotic will lose its effect.

Wash all the ingredients, cut them into small pieces, and put them in the juicer or blender. If the flavor is too strong, dilute with half a glass of water or remove the celery juice.

We all know that nature is truly miraculous and its products can help us against many diseases and health problems, but when it comes to antibacterial properties, nature really shines.

This is just one example of juice that you can take as prevention and support while you have an infection. It is a natural antibiotic that you can prepare day by day at home, but you can try making more varieties of it by adding other ingredients that are equally beneficial for this purpose, but remember that you should always be supported by a health professional, especially that you can carry the record of the causes of your infection and when to know if that infection needs another way to be treated.


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