Green juice to build strong and healthy bones

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Do you want strong and healthy bones? Enjoy a refreshing green juice full of minerals that will improve your bone health. Eating vegetables and drinking fresh green juices significantly reduces the rate of bone loss and may even help rebuild bones.

Osteoporosis is a skeletal disease characterized by compromised bone strength, predisposing an individual to an increased risk of fractures. Fractures associated with this disease affect one in three women and one in five men over 50 years of age.

In fact, osteoporosis is responsible for consuming more hospital days than many other diseases, such as diabetes, heart attack, and breast cancer.

It is imperative to promote effective prevention and treatment strategies associated with this condition, such as the intake of healthy diets that include essential nutrients for bone health.

For example, a higher intake of fruits and vegetables has been found to be associated with better BMD or bone mineral content. Juices made from vegetables and fruits with essential nutrients play a very important role in the diet to build healthy bones.

The macro and micronutrients in fruits and vegetables contribute to skeletal health by supporting the production and mineralization of the bone matrix.

Today we will share with you a delicious green juice recipe to build strong bones. It is made from ingredients that are easily found in most grocery stores. If you are new to green juices, don’t panic, it tastes delicious!

Benefits of juice ingredients for strong bones

Pay attention to the following ingredients that will tell you why this juice should be a must in your diet, especially if you are on the way to increasing your bone density and looking for stronger bones.

Rich in calcium, magnesium, manganese, vitamins and other minerals that will strengthen not only your skeleton, but all your systems, organs, tissues and cells, this juice will be the best medicine for your bones.


Good source of calcium and vitamins C and K, nutrients necessary for good bone health.

Vitamin C is important for the production of collagen, an important structural component of bone. And vitamin K, found in plants, especially dark green leafy vegetables, helps convert osteocalcin to its active form, which anchors calcium in bone.


Rich in calcium and vitamin K, as well as magnesium and zinc. Zinc can stimulate protein synthesis in bones.

Magnesium helps calcium move in and out of cells. Studies show that supplementation can increase bone density by 8%. Of course, it is best to supplement with fresh, raw juice.


It is also a good source of calcium, vitamin C, magnesium, and zinc. It also provides manganese and potassium.

Manganese is important for healthy connective tissues, including cartilage. Many people are deficient in this is mineral.

Potassium helps the kidneys retain calcium. When your potassium is too low, you lose calcium in your urine.


A good source of silica, which promotes the formation of bones and teeth. Most of the silica is in the peel, so you’ll need to use organic cucumbers, or if grown conventionally, soak them in baking soda water for 10 minutes – just add a teaspoon of baking soda to a bowl. Of salad water and discard to dissolve, and scrub under running water to remove surface pesticides.


Apples provide sweetness, but apples are also a good source of manganese. You can add an apple to a 16 ounce juice, but feel free to use 2 if you are new to green juices and prefer sweet ones.

Cloudy apple juice has about the same glycemic load as eating a whole apple. (If you are diabetic, it is generally recommended that you reduce the fruit in its juice to about half an apple, or just add more lemon.)


Provides copper, which is essential for the effectiveness of an enzyme that is involved in the creation of collagen.


Lemon juice has many benefits. It is used here mainly to brighten the taste. Use 1/2 lemon in this recipe.

Green juice to build strong and healthy bones

I hope you like this green juice as much as I do. It’s a great way to get important vitamins and minerals for strong, healthy bones. These are the ingredients:


  • 3 cups kale.
  • 1 handful of parsley.
  • 2 apples (one if you want it with less fructose).
  • 1/2 lemon.
  • 3 centimeters of ginger.
  • 2 cups of spinach.
  • 1 large cucumber with peel.

Everything to the juicer and drink immediately. This juice can be taken about 4 times a week to enjoy its great benefits to build strong bones if you are a person with low bone density due to osteopenia or osteoporosis.


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