7 things you should know about breakfast

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Francis Bacon used to say that “Hope is a good for having had a bad dinner.” But in addition to hope, there are other foods that are especially good for us if they are included in the first meal of the day. We tell you seven scientific findings that you should take into account when having breakfast.

Don’t skip it

According to a study both children and adults who skip the first meal of the day tend to eat worse and lead a more sedentary life. In addition, they tend to have higher cholesterol and insulin levels (and therefore more likely to suffer from diabetes and heart disease) than those who eat breakfast regularly.


A study revealed that young women who eat breakfast cereals have a lower waist-height ratio, which is the best indicator of absence of overweight and low cardiovascular risk. Additionally, a study revealed that wheat or corn cereals contain more antioxidants than any other breakfast.

In a meeting

According to a survey, breakfast meetings are more productive than afternoon meetings. 67% of the subjects are more predisposed to be attentive during breakfast.

Exercise, first

A recent study showed that a higher proportion of fat is burned when we exercise before eating breakfast. However, if we eat breakfast first and move on later, engineered carbohydrates (cereals, bread, etc.) disrupt fat metabolism for at least 6 hours.

Less lead

A study revealed that children who eat breakfast daily have lower levels of lead in their blood (15% less) than those who skip this meal.

If you are on a diet

Adults trying to lose weight are more successful eating a healthy breakfast than avoiding it and having something in the middle of the morning. On the other hand, a study has revealed that eating eggs for breakfast helps to lose between 60 and 65% more weight in subjects who are subjected to a weight loss diet than any other breakfast.

Without breakfast you smoke more

According to a study, the absence of breakfast is associated, in addition to being overweight, with a greater tendency to smoke tobacco, consume marijuana and drink alcohol.


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