7 reasons why you should drink green juices

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One of the main advantages of green juices is that it allows you to consume green leafy vegetables along with other fruits and ingredients that are not always present in the diet, but are essential.

Fruits and vegetables are plant foods. Plant foods can basically be mixed, except that the texture of the juice can be different, this means that the flavor of your combination has a special flavor.

When raw, plant foods all contain the same basic nutrients: enzymes, vitamins, minerals, bioflavonoids, and phytonutrients. Mixing them gives them the synergistic power to work together as a super reinforcement.

Do you know the real reason why green juices are so good for us? Here are the 7 reasons why you should drink green juices every day.

7 reasons why you should drink green juices

It is the fastest way to alkalize our body

Drinking green juices is the fastest way to alkalize our body. It helps to eliminate inflammation and acids in our blood stream.

Green juices are 100% pre-digestible

They enter our bloodstream immediately, reaching each of our 100 trillion cells, bringing and showering with powerful nutrients and oxygen.

Rich in enzymes

These vegetables are packed with energy and plant-based enzymes that help ‘eat’ the undigested particles in our bloodstream, helping our bodies heal. Therefore, drinking green juices is practically preparing our body for digestion.

Instant energy

Green juices give us more energy than any other juice can give us.

Low glycemic index

Green juices are low glycemic in glycemic and almost any human being can drink it, even if he is diabetic.

Power of photosynthesis

Green juices are literally packed with energy from photosynthesis. This means that the conversion of the sun to plants is now present inside your body if you take these vegetables.

Drinking green juices helps efficient elimination

You will be surprised to see how wonderful green juices are as it can help heal the lining of the stomach, esophagus, and small and large intestine.

Green juice with spinach and parsley

Try to make this toner every day, even if it is just for breakfast or before bed, anytime is the perfect time! And this little tonic is delicious. The green juice is a great tonic.

  • 1 large lime juice (with skin and all).
  • 1 cup of spinach.
  • 1 cup parsley.
  • 1 green apple.
  • 6 stalks of celery.
  • 1 large cucumber.

Everything freshly cut and the juice freshly prepared. Grind everything together in a blender, and do not leave it for more than 10 minutes without taking it since almost all the nutrients are lost.


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