6 high-protein breakfasts to gain muscle mass

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ProFoody Staffhttps://profoody.com
ProFoody is a Blog where you can find all kinds of nutritional articles, recipes, desserts, tips, tricks, weekly menus, diets and nutrition.

There are innumerable amounts of supplements that you can find both in the market and online, the important thing is to know well how they are prepared, how they are consumed, how often and most importantly; Its effectiveness will depend on what exercises you practice and even more important to be very clear about what you want to achieve by consuming this type of shake.

You must bear in mind that protein shakes are not magic and that from one day to the next you will not wake up with the body you want, as their name says, they are a “supplement” or diet assistant that you follow to gain muscle mass, which must be prescribed by a professional in the field.

The main key if you want to increase muscle mass is to increase the size of the muscles and this can only be achieved by increasing the number of proteins you consume daily.

Eating a healthy, balanced diet provides your body with the nutrients and proteins you need, but if you want to increase muscle mass, what you should do is start consuming natural protein shakes, even with other meals that have protein. Proteins are a source that the body needs to work properly and especially those people who want to increase muscle mass.

Six natural protein shakes

Since we know that not all people have the necessary information about which protein shakes they can take naturally and how to prepare them, in this post we gave ourselves the task of sharing and explaining the step by step of each shake. We hope the information will serve you.

1. Banana smoothie

  • 2 bananas.
  • Half a liter of almond milk.
  • Three tablespoons of oatmeal.
  • 5 boiled eggs, all 5 whites but only 2 yolks.

Place all the ingredients in a blender and mix until everything is crushed and a homogeneous mixture is formed. It can be taken at room temperature or you can add ice to it, you can take it after each workout to hydrate yourself.

2. Chocolate and almond smoothie

  • 1 cup of rice milk or light milk.
  • Chocolate flavor protein.
  • Half a chocolate brownie with almonds.

Prepare the shake by adding all the ingredients to the blender until it is completely mixed, the chocolate shake is a great option to add proteins in a tasty way, remember that this shake must be consumed before training so that you can burn the calories and your body just take in the beneficial effect.

3. Oatmeal smoothie

  • 60 gr of oats.
  • Half a liter of coconut milk.
  • One tablespoon of wheat germ.
  • A tablespoon of honey.

Mix all the ingredients in the blender until you get the texture you want, this is a super powerful shake that will help you get the muscle mass you want faster and more effectively.

4. Nut smoothie

  • Half a liter of light milk.
  • Half a glass of water.
  • Light yogurt.
  • Three egg whites.
  • 100 gr of walnuts.
  • A banana.

Mix all the ingredients very well in a blender until it is homogeneous and voila, you can consume it at once at room temperature, but you can also add ice and enjoy it. You should take it after you have finished your training.

5. Peach smoothie

  • 2 cups of peach.
  • 1 cup of orange juice.
  • 4 tablespoons of buttermilk.
  • Half a cup of light yogurt.

Add all the ingredients to the blender and mix well until you have the texture that you like best, pour it into a glass and enjoy after finishing the workout. The peach smoothie helps you increase muscle mass and at the same time nourishes you healthily.

6. Shake with egg

  • One liter of milk.
  • Three tablespoons of oatmeal.
  • Three egg whites.
  • A banana.

Mix all the ingredients very well until all the solids are crushed, and you’re done, you can consume your egg-based shake. Take advantage of this shake after training as it will replenish you quickly, egg whites are a natural source of protein.

Remember that practicing physical exercise regularly added to a balanced diet rich in carbohydrates and protein, plus regular consumption of protein-rich shakes will be the key to increasing muscle mass.


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