6 cleansing shakes to have a detox breakfast

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To prepare our body for the arrival of summer, there is nothing better than a good cleansing and detoxifying shake, to prepare, for example, for breakfast or a snack, even for the little ones, to promote the consumption of fruits and vegetables in an unexpected and colorful way.

The cleansing shakes that we propose, in addition to contributing to the purification of the body, are rich in vitamins, minerals and antioxidants.

A constant search for women (and men too although to a lesser extent) will always be to stay slim, taking care of your figure to stay beautiful at any age, we know that the typical advice to do diets and exercises, although it is true and it works, in reality It is not so easy to follow and much less to maintain over time.

For this reason it is always important to be looking for new alternatives that do not help to keep fit, in a way that is easy and adapts to your lifestyle.

It is essential that when you do not feel comfortable, full and you are not enjoying a certain process to stay at your ideal weight, you always look for new alternatives, and if you do not enjoy the process there is no way you can take it in the long term, because it takes too long. Or sooner you would end up giving up and the way any diet or exercise regimen works is that you stick with it over time and become part of your lifestyle and not something you do occasionally.

The tonics smoothies or green juices are an excellent alternative, because they are simple, delicious and smart way to keep your weight on the ideal number while you feed and add to your body vitamins, minerals and nutrients you need to stay healthy, have beautiful skin, nails and hair.

6 cleansing shakes for a detox breakfast

We bring you today 6 cleansing shakes that will help you with weight loss and that you can do from the comfort of your home and ideally you should consume on an empty stomach, as a detox breakfast. These shakes, in addition to helping you reduce your size, will also help you improve your figure by purifying your body. The secret is to make them a habit with sports.

1. Cleansing shake of cucumber and pineapple

For this smoothie you will need a cut cucumber and a pineapple. Then proceed to liquefy until it reaches a liquid consistency and try to consume it immediately to be able to absorb all its nutrients.

2. Spinach, cucumber and orange cleansing shake

Three natural cleansing elements, with multiple properties and vitamins that will surely leave your skin glowing and beautiful. In addition, if you add a little peppermint or honey you will achieve a delicious and hydrating flavor.

You will need washed spinach leaves without stem, a cucumber and the juice of two oranges.

3. Healthy smoothie with spinach, cucumber and pineapple

The cucumber, pineapple and celery smoothie is great for lovers of fresh flavors and also helps counteract water retention. To prepare this drink you need some simple ingredients: celery, cucumber, pineapple and fresh ginger. If you don’t have it, you can omit the ginger, but it is recommended that you add it; alternatively, you can add the lemon which will make the extract even fresher.

4. Green juice of spinach, celery and green apples

In this case, the protagonists of our delicious green smoothie are spinach, cabbage, celery and also an addition of green apples to complete its sweetness. A complete summer breakfast in a glass.

Place the spinach, celery, cabbage and well-washed apples and, in the case of apples, peel them in the extractor bowl. Pour in the lemon juice and begin to beat. In the middle, add a small piece of grated ginger root, then resume blending. Filter everything to prevent pieces of fiber or whole leaves from remaining in the drink. That’s it, try to drink it immediately, you can add two ice cubes to make it cooler.

5. Cleansing drink of cucumber, lemon and ginger

A cucumber, lemon and ginger smoothie can have optimal effects for those who want to lose weight, accelerate metabolism and expel harmful toxins from our body, and do it from breakfast.

Get the juice of 1 lemon, 1 peeled and chopped cucumber, 1 tablespoon of grated ginger root and 100 ml of natural water. Mix all the ingredients and have a glass a day before going to sleep. To see certain results, accompany the intake of this shake with a correct diet, recommended by a dietician.

6. Pineapple, mint and lemon juice

This is definitely a refreshing alternative, but you could also drink it warm, tea-style. And is that each of these elements are purifying by nature and benefit you in multiple ways, you can add honey and ice to improve its flavor. You need the juice of a lemon, the juice of a pineapple and mint leaves, add the honey and ice if you wish, and proceed to blend. Drink immediately.

If you want a healthy and light snack this is an incredible alternative, if you want to add more food you can use protein shakes or some other fruits and vegetables of your choice to improve the flavor. As we said at the beginning, the important thing is that you do this consistently and integrate it into your daily life so that you can see the results over time.



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