3 Nutritious and Energizing Green Juices to Start Your Day

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ProFoody is a Blog where you can find all kinds of nutritional articles, recipes, desserts, tips, tricks, weekly menus, diets and nutrition.

If you don’t know how you can make your start to the day healthier and more energetic, here are some great examples of green juices that are ideal for hydrating, nourishing and energizing your body. Alternate these juices throughout the week and feed your body nutrients and live food each morning.

7 benefits of drinking green juices daily

  1. Alkalizes the body.
  2. All-day energy.
  3. It can delay aging.
  4. Improves intestinal health.
  5. Improves detoxification.
  6. Supports a healthy immune system.
  7. Bioavailable nutrients.

Nutritious and energizing green juices for breakfast

Evidence shows that it is highly recommended that we get at least 5 servings of fruits and vegetables every day, and juicing is an easy way to ensure that you get your daily income.

Plus, juice is a great natural way to detoxify your body and help support healthy digestion. It is best to drink green juice in the morning on an empty stomach to maximize the amount of nutrients absorbed. However, feel free to take them anytime you want, it will still be packed with many health benefits.

These refreshing green juices packed with vitamins are a delicious way to start your day in the best way!

Light green juice

  • 1 large apple.
  • 1/2 lemon.
  • 1 cup of spinach.
  • 1 small cucumber.
  • 1/2 cup of parsley.
  • 1/2 cup mineral water.


  1. Extract the apple and lemon juice.
  2. Wash vegetables carefully. Cut the stems of the spinach with a knife, peel the cucumber and remove the stems of the parsley.
  3. Add the fresh juice, the water and the green leaves to the blender and mix very well.

Green juice with beets and carrots the perfect combination

  • 1 large apple.
  • 1 large beet.
  • 1 carrot.
  • 1 cup of mixed green vegetables (spinach, chard, cabbage.)


  1. Extract the juice of the apple, beet and carrot.
  2. Wash the vegetables and remove the stems.
  3. Mix the vegetables with the juice.

Spicy green juice

  • 2 stalks of celery.
  • ½ cucumber.
  • 1 green apple.
  • 1 teaspoon fresh ginger, grated.
  • a bunch of fresh spinach leaves.
  • a bunch of fresh mint.


  1. Put the celery, cucumber, apple, ginger and half a glass of water in the blender.
  2. Pulse until creamy and blended.
  3. Add the spinach and fresh mint and pulse until smooth.
  4. Pour into a colander if necessary and drink immediately.

Melon and peach juice as a plus

  • 1 peach.
  • 1 slice of melon.
  • 1/2 cup water.


  1. Extract the juice from the peach.
  2. Mix the juice, water and melon.


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