2 green juices that help you lose weight

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Green juices are excellent resources if you are on diets to lose weight, since they are mostly composed of vegetables that, in addition to detoxifying, burn accumulated fat. Take a look at the following examples.

Losing weight is the goal of thousands of people, although many follow treatments or strict diets, there are many alternatives to achieve it. There are a variety of foods that help to burn fat when ingested, which greatly facilitates weight loss, so green juices are an excellent alternative.

The ingredients in green juices are mostly fruits and vegetables that detoxify and burn accumulated fat, therefore here we will leave you some of the most effective:

Green juices that help you lose weight

There are various juice recipes that can contribute to weight reduction, one of the most prominent and easiest to prepare is green juice with lemon, which has rapid effects on our body.

Kiwi, spinach and lettuce juice


  • 1 kiwi.
  • 3 spinach leaves.
  • 3 lettuce leaves.

We wash all the ingredients and peel the kiwi, put them in the blender with a glass of hot water and process until a homogeneous mixture is left. If we wish, we can pass the drink through a strainer to avoid the kiwi seeds.

It can be sweetened with stevia to take advantage of its benefits, make it taste good and take advantage of the fact that it will not add calories to the juice.

The mixture of these three ingredients, in addition to helping to lose weight, also helps with the digestion process, reduces nerves and anxiety and has a diuretic effect, which helps to eliminate water or fluid retention.

Celery, spinach, parsley, apple, lemon and cucumber juice

This is another very effective and efficient juice when it comes to burning fat and also provides the essential nutrients to feel full for longer.


  • 1 lemon.
  • 1 apple.
  • 5 spinach leaves.
  • 1 stalk of celery.
  • 1 cup parsley.
  • 1 cucumber.

To begin we must wash everything and peel those ingredients that have a shell. Then cut the celery and grate the apple. The other ingredients can be cut to taste so that when processing them it is faster. We put everything in a blender with a glass of water and process until the mixture is homogeneous. We add ice and we can already consume it.

This juice, as we mentioned before, is one of the most efficient when it comes to burning fat, it also provides a large amount of vitamins, nutrients and antioxidants.

Parsley is a very rich food in these, therefore it collaborates with the correct feeding of the organism.

It is recommended to ingest the mixture on an empty stomach, for the properties to have a better effect, it is advisable that these drinks be consumed with a controlled diet at the same time, and habits that help the body to be healthy and maintain an active lifestyle, nothing sedentary because these juices are not miraculous.

For more information, we invite you to read other natural juices that help reduce weight.



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