11 ways to have a healthy breakfast

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Whether you want to lose weight or just lead a healthier life, it is important to follow certain rules to have a truly healthy breakfast.
It is impossible to always follow a diet or a recipe, except for breakfast, which is usually done quickly and just when the day is about to start, but you can follow these tips and thus always have a healthy breakfast.

A healthy breakfast that is alkaline

Don’t start the day with an acidic breakfast. To get a healthy breakfast, avoid fried foods, tomatoes, excess sugar and caffeine. If you need to wake up, have a tea, either white or black, they have the same effect as a coffee, but they are healthier and less aggressive on your stomach.

If you wake up in the morning with a bad taste in your mouth, you are following an overly acidic diet. Take a warm, sugar-free lemonade on an empty stomach and start feeling better with this healthy breakfast that is also tastier.

Don’t combine sweet and salty

If you are going to have something sweet for breakfast, do not combine it with something salty. When it is very hot or after the gym, it is good to have fruit for breakfast. Make sure it is a single fruit and not eat anything else.

A good tip for a healthy breakfast is to choose to make yourself a fruit plate, or a juice or a milkshake with benefits of plants , but if you also eat a couple of eggs with that, for example, it is no longer a good breakfast.

The sugars in fruits spend very little time in the stomach because they are easy to digest – that is why they are a quick supply of energy, ideal for healthy breakfasts. But if the stomach is busy with other foods, then these sugars ferment and cause liver inflammations.

If you think that eating just fruit for breakfast will not be enough, allow 20 minutes between the fruit and the rest of your breakfast.

Eat carbohydrates for breakfast

Carbohydrates are, according to many dietitians, the main culprits that we do not. This is not only false, but avoiding them is also unhealthy. You must eat carbohydrates. In fact, two-thirds of what you eat should be carbohydrates. The secret is to choose the ones that are good for you.

Change the pastas and breads with white flour and rice for whole grains. Eat, barley, well, there is a lot to choose from for a healthy breakfast. Avoid refined cereals and highly processed products.

There are many quality bread options that are not made with refined flours, and products rich in complex carbohydrates that will give you energy, take care of your health and make you feel better.

Make sure there is no lack of fat and protein

When our body is active, it is when it needs protein the most. Some people prefer an animal product in the morning, such as egg or dairy; others prefer to keep their breakfast vegetarian. If so, cereals combined with a legume (two tablespoons of lentils or a little sprouts is enough).

The fats and proteins in your healthy breakfast

Cereals and legumes, combined, give the body it needs.

Fat consumption is also important during breakfast, especially if you engage in intellectual activities. Fats are the engine of the brain. You can have some nuts or a slice of whole wheat bread with olive oil.

Eat the best foods for breakfast

Make sure your food is whole, organic and seasonal. That they are not processed, since they contain many toxins. If you are going to eat egg, do it in moderation and make it organic farm egg that does not contain hormones.

Choose healthier foods for breakfast

If you want to eat dairy, try to make it vegetable cheese and milk.  Substitutes are often the same or more harmful than the originals. Aspartame does more harm than sugar, and soy protein is rich in MSG.

Eat better what you like and feel good, and eat the best quality and combining it well. If you want to eat meat, for example, do it. There is nothing wrong if you do it, say, once a month, or more if it is fish. Always try to be organic.

Don’t over-satiate your stomach – stay hungry

There is no greater mistake than being satisfied at breakfast. While everyone says that breakfast should be hearty and the most important meal of the day, many dynamic people feel comfortable eating a frugal breakfast.

This is because by not satisfying the appetite, they have more energy. By eating a full and excessive breakfast, we spend much of the morning using energy to digest everything we eat.

How sad that at 9 in the morning, after breakfast, you are satisfied. Live better a day with appetite, with ambition!

Hydrate yourself well at your healthy breakfast

It circulates on the Internet that with only 2 percent dehydration, we suffer memory loss and difficulty reading and performing basic operations.

The truth, I do not know if this data is true, but 90 percent of our brain is water and our do a wonderful job controlling the fluids in our body. They retain and send to the kidneys the surplus, and provide water if the amounts in the blood are scarce.

Blood renewal increases up to four times with stress, so it is important that you stay hydrated and during a healthy breakfast is the ideal time to do so. You can add a slice of, grapefruit or orange to the water for a touch of flavor. And preferably, drink spring water.

Cut down on dairy

If you have respiratory problems, such as asthma, allergies, or if you constantly get a sore throat from changes in the weather, your symptoms are likely to be aggravated by drinking dairy.

Pasteurized milk contains sugars and proteins that do not nourish us, but damage the body, hindering the absorption of nutrients, promoting inflammation and acidifying the blood, so it is recommended that in your healthy breakfast you avoid them to change it for vegetable milks.

Do not solve these problems with lactose-free milk, because, whether drinking normal pasteurized milk or lactose-free milk, you are breaking rule 5. Simply reduce your consumption a lot, or if possible, completely eliminate industrialized dairy from your diet.

If you are not a vegetarian and you like to drink milk, there are some people who drink organic unpasteurized whole milk and do not show these symptoms, but you must be very careful that it is really organic milk, and drink only one glass weekly that contains enough calcium.

Dairy produces mucus and makes the colon work harder. If you find it very difficult to adopt a diet without milk and cheese, temporarily try the substitutes, but always of the best quality. Eventually you will have to find nutritional alternatives that suit your needs and lifestyle.

Sit down for breakfast

Don’t eat breakfast to fill up. You are nurturing your body, it is a sacred moment. Do it with gratitude, pleasure and reverence so that your breakfast is the healthiest you can get. Sit down to eat, keep it quiet.

Focus on food. Do not eat breakfast watching television or thinking about the activities of the day. Enjoy the company of loved ones, or relaxing music. And if you are going to eat angry or in a hurry, it is better to fast. Have two glasses of water and go to work.

Chew well during breakfast

Few people understand the importance of saliva in digestion. Chewing is not simply about reducing food, cutting and mashing it, but about impregnating it with enzymes that will take care of digesting it and regulating the PH of food throughout the digestion process.

Saliva has a slightly alkaline or basic PH, which counteracts the acidity levels of food and stomach acids. The more we chew our food, the less acidic it will be for our body, thereby helping to improve our health and reduce the risk of contracting chronic degenerative diseases. Keep in mind that you never chew too much.

Have snacks

Eating between meals helps maintain blood sugar levels, and allows you to eat foods that do not go well together, such as fruits.

If you have the opportunity, then eat five meals a day. It is better to eat many small amounts than large portions once or twice. Just remember to ensure that every time you eat, your food is the best. Follow these tips and be a healthy person!


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