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11 ways to have a healthy breakfast

Whether you want to lose weight or just lead a healthier life, it is important to follow certain rules to have a truly healthy...

Breakfasts for people who have a soft diet

In the, foods are incorporated that have been prescribed by the doctor before a digestive process, or after a surgical intervention, which requires care with...

Anti-inflammatory green juice

Recipe for a delicious anti-inflammatory green juice that you can prepare at home in a few minutes and you will enjoy a revitalizing drink capable...

Natural juices for weight loss

The natural juice diet is very popular, as it provides good health effects, detoxification and also allows you to lose unnecessary kilograms. How much...

3 salads to help control diabetes

One of the most prevalent diseases of our time, and when you take a look at the Western diet you begin to see why. Unfortunately,...

Detox Juice Diet – The Good and Bad for Weight Loss

The detox juice diet or detox drinks has become very popular in recent years, as an easier way to consume many nutrients without having...

Must Read

3 breakfasts that deflate the belly and help you lose weight

These easy-to-prepare breakfasts deflate the belly and are of great help to lose weight, in a healthy way and without causing our body to...

5 low calorie breakfasts for people with diabetes

If you have diabetes, you need a good diet to take care of yourself. However, breakfast can be difficult to select. The breakfast options offered by...

3 breakfasts to increase muscle mass

Protein is one of the essential elements to achieve an increase in muscle mass, which is why athletes choose a diet based on a...

3 healthy breakfast recipes for diabetics

Try these healthy breakfasts that will help you maintain stable blood sugar levels and at the same time they are a necessary source of...

3 healthy egg breakfasts in the form of muffins

Most of us are perpetually reminded from childhood that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. This food influences how we function physically...